My Thoughts

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I would like to share my poems, thoughts, memories, photos, favorite quotes and life stories with you.

Monday, April 30, 2012

My Assumption of Love

   My Assumption of Love
by Pamela M. Graul-Gwizdala

All the days of my life
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my mother held me in her arms, hugged and kissed me
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my grandmother served me warm milk and cookies
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my mother unselfishly gave us children her food
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my puppy licked my face as she wagged her tail
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my father ran beside me as I rode my bicycle
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my mother dried the tears and placed a band-aid on my knee
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my parents helped me purchase my first car
I assumed; I knew what love was

When a boy kissed and held me in his arms while we danced
I assumed; I knew what love was

When a man asked me to marry him at the age of nineteen
I assumed; we knew what love was

When we made a promise through our vows to love, honor and cherish
I assumed; we would love each other forever

When I held my first child in my arms and gazed into her eyes
I assumed; I knew what love was

When I rocked and read stories to my children
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my husband and I were legally divorced
I assumed; we had forgotten what love was

When I held my nineteen-year-old daughter’s hand
in the Emergency Room
I assumed; I knew what love was

When I compassionately expressed to her,
“I will take care of you no matter what your condition”
I assumed; I knew what love was

When I caressed my daughter’s forehead and whispered
“I know you want to go Home to the Lord and it’s OK”
I assumed; I knew what love was

When I remembered my daughter wanted to donate her organs
I assumed; she always knew what love was

When we signed the Gift of Life's  documents
so her life would go on  in the way
I assumed; we understood what love was

When I painfully walked away from my daughter’s bedside
And said my last good-bye
I assumed; I had lot her love forever

When I learned her kidneys and liver were given
to two mothers and  a father
I assumed; her enduring love lives on

When she gave to the Gift of Life
I know she gave the Gift of Love

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