My Thoughts

My photo
I would like to share my poems, thoughts, memories, photos, favorite quotes and life stories with you.

Monday, April 30, 2012

My Assumption of Love

   My Assumption of Love
by Pamela M. Graul-Gwizdala

All the days of my life
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my mother held me in her arms, hugged and kissed me
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my grandmother served me warm milk and cookies
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my mother unselfishly gave us children her food
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my puppy licked my face as she wagged her tail
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my father ran beside me as I rode my bicycle
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my mother dried the tears and placed a band-aid on my knee
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my parents helped me purchase my first car
I assumed; I knew what love was

When a boy kissed and held me in his arms while we danced
I assumed; I knew what love was

When a man asked me to marry him at the age of nineteen
I assumed; we knew what love was

When we made a promise through our vows to love, honor and cherish
I assumed; we would love each other forever

When I held my first child in my arms and gazed into her eyes
I assumed; I knew what love was

When I rocked and read stories to my children
I assumed; I knew what love was

When my husband and I were legally divorced
I assumed; we had forgotten what love was

When I held my nineteen-year-old daughter’s hand
in the Emergency Room
I assumed; I knew what love was

Sunday, April 29, 2012

No What If's

There are no what if's in my life.  When we say these two words; we go through depressing thoughts where we  tend to have a hard time pulling ourselves back out.  So take "what if" out of your vocabulary.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Understanding

I wrote the below speech at 3:00 am on the morning of Rebecca's Funeral Mass. With the help and Grace from God; I walked up to the altar at the microphone and said this speech after the clossing of the Mass.

My Understanding
In Loving Memory of
Rebecca Lynn Gwizdala
Mass on October 5, 1996

My Children are the Greatest Gift
God Has ever given me
throughout my life experiences.
My Children have enriched my life,
and I thank God every day for this
Special Blessing.
I always knew that you were
only borrowed. And, one day,
you would be the one
I would have to return
Home too soon.
This has been my biggest cross,
as your Mother to carry
on my journey back Home.

Friday, April 27, 2012

My First Day

On April 27, 2012 was my first day of Blogging.  I choose Google because of my trust in their company. Today will be learning how to make my main page with their different layouts.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory of
Rebecca Lynn Gwizdala
April 3, 1977 - October 2, 1996 

My plans are to post my poems  that  I wrote after my daughter, Rebecca passed away.  Rebecca was a beautiful lady with her  charm, wisdom, compassion, and love, .  Her heart was filled with gentle kindness that shown through her making sure her organs were donated in case of her death to Gift of Life .    Gift of Life was  able to give back four lives with  Rebecca's donation from her kidneys, liver and pancreas.